Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Is tap water better than bottled water

I read an article relating “The truth about green” in Fortune. The fortune clears up 25 common misconceptions about the food we eat, products we buy, the way we travel and the energy we use. one of the myth is,

Is tap water safer than bottled water?

In U.S the tap water is subjected to stricter government standards than bottled water. The EPA requires large municipalities to test water for bacteria in an independent lab a number of times a day. But the FDA mandates that water used in bottles is analyzed only once in a week for bacteria.

But this case is not the same for all the countries. Recently I visited India and noticed bottled water is better than tap water. Nowadays in India people are buying drinking water in cans. Sometimes I find this too is unhygienic. People are affected by throat infections even after drinking the can waters. But the people didn’t stop buying the can water, instead of that they are buying and heating it.

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