Saturday, July 24, 2010

India releases world's cheapest laptop @ $35

India unveiled the world’s cheapest laptop for just $35. It is a touchscreen device and it will become available to students in higher education. The Minister of human resources, Mr. Kapil Sibal said that the mother board, its chip, processing, memory, displays and connectivity will cost around $ 35.

This tablet computer, developed by researchers at IIT in Delhi and Indian institute of science in Bengalooru (previously known Banglore) will be made available in production by 2011.

It will run on open source Linux operating system with open office software and can be powered by solar panel or batteries.

It will use 2GB of memory and a video conferencing facility and internet browsing.

More than 100m PCs are expected to be sold by 2013 in India.

1 comment:

  1. Cheapest laptop and cheapest car also in India - they should invent the cheapest housing also.
