Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Plastics in Bird's stomach

The albatross chicks lives in the central Pacific which is 1000 miles from human civilization consumes plastics .The most shocking report is that, the birds stomach looks like garbage dumps consisting of bottle caps,tooth brushes and even golf balls.Nearly 40% of the albatross chicks die because of plastics being consumed.This news has made the researchers to understand the sources of far-flung pollution.A recent report says that the amount of debris colllected from beach sites is said to have come from land sources and fishing related debris.It has been estimated that this bird collectively consumed more than four tons of plastics at Midway last year.The problem of pollution on high seas extends far beyond Midway.The long term solution is to stop the flow of plastics in to the ocean.I hope this news will bring some changes in the society to become aware of the need of recycle of plastics.

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