Friday, August 6, 2010


The LED light sources are the future of modern lighting. Saving energy by providing alternative, innovative light sources will help to ensure a better world for tomorrow. The Giant companies of light manufacturers are shifting their production from incandescent bulbs to LEDs.These bulbs offer exceptional value for money.Todays LED’s are about 10 times more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs and about 2 times more efficient than compact fluorescent bulbs. LED technology has advanced so rapidly over the past few years. LED light are not fragile and require zero maintenance and don’t contain harmful or hazardous chemicals.

The best LED bulbs have a lifespan of about 20 years assuming 3 hours of usage a day. The currently available incandescent bulbs will start being phased out in US by 2012 but it begun in Australia and parts of Europe and South America. The cost of LED light is more than other lights but LED can save money over life time. Energy companies are working out to make the consumers to switch over to LEDs. By the end of the decade analyst predict LEDS will be the dominant source for commercial and residential lighting.

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