Monday, August 23, 2010


Recently I read an article which is quiet interesting. I never think about it whenever I waste the food. This article makes me to think twice whenever I cook food. Do you ever thought about how much of energy has been wasted by the wastage of food. In a report it says nearly five percent of population in US consumes nearly one fifth of world’s energy. Each item of food makes an average trip of over 2400 km by transportation. Nearly 15% of energy used in US is taken by food production and distribution.
In our everyday life we can see how much food is dumped in the trashes due to various reasons. Sometimes we cook more food and we might not eat it .You may think that it is unavoidable but everything is in our hand to avoid wastage. Have you ever calculated the amount of food we are throwing in the trash as waste? If you have calculated you would be shocked. Approximately 2% of total US energy budget is thrown in trash.

Global energy consumption is increasing day by day thereby reducing our dependency on fossil fuels is more challenging. The sad thing is one part of the world is starving for food and another part of world is wasting food. The public need to be educated about proper storage of foods. Steps must be taken to save and store food. Parents, teachers should teach the upcoming generation about the importance of food and the wastage of energy.

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