Thursday, July 29, 2010

Plastic containers in microwave

The second myth is regarding the plastic containers used in the microwaves.

Is that ok to use plastic containers in microwave

Now in this modern world most of the houses are equipped with microwaves. People are not aware of the effects of plastics used in the microwaves. The plastic used in the microwaves has labeled as safe for use in the microwave but it may not be.” The claim on the boxes doesn’t mean the plastic wont crack or melt or leak,” says Wendy Gordon of the Natural Resources Defense Council. A substance used to make polycarbonate plastic-bisphenol A known as BPA could leach in to your food and it may disrupt the hormonal system.

Plastic container manufacturers insist their products meet government safety standards. Regardless the NRDC’s Gordon recommends that you don’t microwave leftovers in plastic dishes. A ceramic one can help out better than plastics.

Nowadays in most of the houses both the parents are working.Childrens are staying at home sometimes and when they handle glasses or ceramics at home they tend to drop it. so most of the people are using microwave plastics for storing food in the fridge. They might find it difficult to use ceramics but they have to think about their health.

Health is Wealth

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